Saturday, January 3, 2015

Almost There

The time is quickly approaching. I am ready. I still have so much to do. Funny how that last thought I had popped in my head knowing that much is really not much at all. We syke ourselves out to believe that and it is like there is such a heavy burden placed on us by ourselves. So I shouldn't say I have so much to do, I should just say I have so a few tasks to complete and I will be able to complete them effortlessly. I am starting to get a little better at this organizing thing and before I move I will already have a system setup. I look forward to starting over. I am somewhat stuck right now though because a retrograde is coming and I DO NOT take chances. I will stop whatever I had planned and push it back or speed it up if I find out that there is a mercury retrograde. I KNOW better. So little time and lots of planning to do.

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