Friday, January 9, 2015

Yesterday Was A Good Day

Yesterday went by so smooth. I had a kink and a scare but nothing to really worry about. I am so focused on getting my shit together and getting the hell out of this house that I can't worry about the little Chinese lady freaking out on me for an old folk remedy she does not understand. I had an onion tied around my neck in what looked like a mojo bag. Now this started with a question. Do you cook? At first I looked perplexed and then said yes. She said you smell like you cook. I then thought oh, the onion! I then proceeded to show her where it was coming from. She looked a little afraid. Oh well, that is the last time and to be honest I wish I hadn't shown her. I already fear my life sometimes where I live because I am different. I don't want to fit into a box like the rest of these mufuckas. I am me! Accept or leave me b. I felt really weird only because of the sachet. It is not like it is an actual mojo that had life breathed into it but it was still a funny feeling and unless I absolutely have to I won't be going back into that store for a while. Other than that, today or yesterday rather was a good day=)

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