Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Day

Today when I woke up, I told myself it is about me today. I am not going to allow anyone to piss me off today. So it is. If I feel like I am about to flip a table then I will simply walk away. Last night was when I realized just how far I have come. I asked someone to do for me what they have asked me to do numerous time. Can you go to the store and get my Klondike and Mountain Dew? You still come back with nothing! Wtf? In my head the thoughts were rolling and I did not allow my ego to reach out to this person. I remained calm (thoughts at an all time high) got dressed and headed out the door on my own little mission to get exactly what I wanted. You all out there in the virtual world don't know me but if you did you would pat me on the back. I get tired of doing for others. I ask for something so simple and you still can't do it. It's not like I asked you to move a mountain. Although, if you had the machinery and the know how to operate said machinery you would still fail me. I did good. I have come far. I am going to continue to get better. It did not occur to me that I did not retaliate the way I normally would until way later into the evening. I was thrown off myself by it but that was yesterday. Today is a new day and it will be a good day.

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