Thursday, February 26, 2015


As good as it gets, temporarily, I know I still have a decision to make. We have great moments sometimes but I am reminded quickly of the scale and how imbalanced they are. You have caused me more harm than good. I will not let this continue because you have become comfortable in this twisted cycle. The countdown has begun and it is time for me to go. A decision has to be made. I will be leaving and I wish you well but there will be no more abuse.Whether it be verbal/physical/emotional (mental) I have to go. Someone has to break the cycle. Break the generational curse.

Another World

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Hello! I saw a post that you recently posted in a group and I want to say I am sorry you had to go through that. For me I find that just when I think I have had it so bad Someone comes along that makes my ordeals seem like chicken shit. Not that what happened to me is any less painful but I always keep in mind I am still alive and well, could be doing better, and it could have been worse. I spent most of my life blaming others and then realized the people that should care, that I wanted to give a damn will never understand or never care. Then I am hit with another realization and that was they may have had to go through a similar experience and have yet to heal. How you gonna help someone else heal and you still need healing? So they could not help me. I needed to help myself and till this day I am doing my shadow work. I am still as Iyanla says "doing my work" and it does take time. It does not happen over night. I am just now allowing myself to feel my feelings and it feels great. I deal with shit still to this day from a twisted ass family who just don't get it and never will and I am about to embark on a new journey that means leaving them behind. I have to do what I have to do and not just for me but my little one to. If you really want to get down to the core there is a young woman on youtube named Spica who I saw as one of our mutual friends. You should utilize her skills with tarot to help you on the road to your healing. Love & Light to you sis.

Friday, February 13, 2015

48 Laws Of Power

Originally I planned to post my thoughts on the book titled: The 48 laws of power here but then I decided to make an entirely new site. If you would like to check it out click the link below or if you are unable to click then copy and paste. See you there!


Thursday, February 12, 2015



So, in a very recent post I told you all that I wanted to start the 100 day challenge. Instead of starting right away I need to prepare myself mentally. I want to start Sunday. I also decided to unplug from most social media. I am actually considering deleting my face-book account. I am often distracted by social media. My friend Lance was right, social media can take over your entire day before you know it. I have to really get ready for this transition and I need to cut a lot of crap out of my life. Social media being the main course of my day. Sad. So sad.  #procrastination at it's finest right here right? But, no. Seriously I really need to prepare for this just like when it is time to start fasting you have to prepare your body and mind for the trip you don't just go surprise stomach nothing for you today. Am I right or is it procrastination? We shall see. 

The again, If I live by the saying "I create my own reality" Then I will not just let life happen to me. 
I have to get to work. Beware of energy vampires that try to stop you and want to you to be stuck in the same low vibration as them and don't want you to move forward. Don't try to identify with them once you go up because the only way from here is up. They will try to keep you in the matrix of life with them because they see no way out. You have been warned.

There She Go!

I see the change. That is how I know I am really growing. I was able to identify the change in this person. When this happens, I know I need to stay away. I really need to stay away. I have just one more month to go and I cant focus on the bullshit. To me it seems as if this person wants more of my attention than my own child. It is sad. I am not here for you to take your anger out on especially when I don't give you attention. Just one more month and we are out of here. I am working on a tight rope and I know I better make the best of it.