Monday, December 29, 2014


What the fuck is a struggle? Most importantly, why is it that we as black people are programmed to believe that from the womb we are made to struggle? Our mothers and fathers were not struggling to do anything in that moment of our immaculate conception but struggling to get a nut. Why? Why black people do we believe this? We are Kings and Queens! In my honest opinion I don't care what race you are, no one should have to struggle. I will struggle no more. I will move mountains and tremble the waters before I allow myself to move out of one struggle and into another. It took me a while to realize that I dealt blow after blow and never gave myself time to heal. Well brothers and sisters if that just resonated with you then it is time for us to heal. No one will stop this healing. It needs to be done. It will and it must be done! Let us heal. Let 2015 be the year we tend to our wounds. Let it air out. Pour on the peroxide. Place the bandage over it and give it a week before we repeat and you will see how over time it will heal. Eat your fruits and drink your water because remember you are what you eat. Before you eat that apple, hold it in the palm of your hands and say a prayer and then when you have eaten the meat of the apple you will give thanks to mother earth and give back by planting those seeds. Plant seeds of greatness in your life! Just lie you spoke to and gave thanks before ingesting that apple, before you go out into the #warzone a.k.a The World, you need to do the same. Don't let society and Maury tell you who you are as my people. We are greatness. They know it and that is why they try to feed us poison by way of media trying to tell us who we are and even they know how great we are but the sad part is WE HAVE YET TO REALIZE OUR GREATNESS! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Remember who you are.

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