Monday, December 29, 2014


I give everyone in this house the respect that they deserve (big or little) and they just want to walk all over me. Why? I am tired. I am so sick and tired! Just two more god forsaken months. I will get through it. I am determined. I just keep getting hit with all of this bad energy from people in and out of my house. It is one hing to have to deal with the outsiders but to have to come home and get hit with the bad energy as well, I can't do it. There is only so far the car can go even if you do fill it up all the way. Somewhere along the way you have to stop and fill up. Where can I refill? *singing Elle Varner* Can I get a refill?      ♫  Can I get a re-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e- fill? REALLY CAN I? But it is all good. I am not worried because the creator keeps me grounded so I will fall back a little in my own life and watch how it all plays out for them because as for me and my well being I am determined to see to it that I am okay even if no one else cares. Goodmorning America.

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