Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Day

Today is a new day. Whenever I am blessed with the ability to wake up and see a new day I try to remind myself to be grateful because somebody else may not have gotten the opportunity to. Someone may not have had the strength to stay and decided it was time to go or maybe the creator felt this person had done what they needed and now it is time to move on. Either way, I have dreams and goals that I want to accomplished and I hope to see come to pass in this lifetime. However, While currently under the same roof as my mother I sometimes just want to run and hide. I keep thinking to myself just two more months and I am on my way to freedom and being able to get it together mentally, emotionally, and physically because I have just been falling apart in this war zone. Amazing how the same people who claim to want nothing but the best for you are the ones who are doing all the planning behind the scenes with your enemies. I wonder what will come of these people when I leave. Will they just wallow in their own misery? Seems more than likely. I have been the punching bag for too long and the tomfoolery is coming to an end. When the enemy knows you see him but you don't SEE him, he will fight harder than ever to bring you down. So I tell myself get ready for your come up baby. Get ready. I say this to myself and imagine my grandmother there. 

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