Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Just Another Day

Here we are in December in Florida and it feels like it's summer time. Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want. HARRP and CERN are doing a number on us. Anyways, I am just sitting here listening to the rain, Jhene Aiko, and typing my little heart out. I am relaxing even though a day really does not go by where I get to have that peace and something does not shake me. There is a lot going on right now that I will discuss later on down the line but I really do hold up well. I thank god and I am ever so grateful for my grandmother (rest in POWER Rosa) who taught me how to stay grounded throughout chaos. 

The rest of this day will be what I make it. I need to go to wally world to get some fabric for the couches to reupholster. No one else cares but I do since this is my temporary home. I care for a warm loving environment. I care that when our guest comes over the furniture looks nice. My environment is a reflection of me so with a house of six only one really cares. I knew moving back in with my mom would be a bad idea but it was something that had to be done. I am happy I did it but this has run its course. I am over cleaning after grown ass people. Just about two more months of dealing with this before I get into my own little sanctuary. Whew! Lesson have come from this experience and I am so thankful to have had to hit the bottom because when I make my way back up to the top I will have more of an appreciation for what I have and even jobs with difficult people. 

I am ready for my new life. I started planning for 2015 back in October. How many of you can say that? If you can then I applaud you. If not, what the hell are you waiting for? Remember, life has a way of directing you to where you need to be. When you let life happen to you instead of taking life by the horns you tend to go through some very painful and often time unnecessary experiences, Why not avoid that? Scroll down and take the questionnaire and get your life moving in the direction you want it to go. Take it from someone who knows, you do not want to let life happen to you, You always have a choice.


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