Monday, December 29, 2014

Can You See What I see?

Even through all the turmoil, I can still see. Do you see what I see? I see a better life. A life where I am fully in control. Then again, even when you feel fragmented you really are whole because remember things are not always what the seem. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and look at and beyond the physical. Sit down with  that piece of paper and take note. Answer the Questions as follows:

  1. Am I where I want to be in my life?
  2. Am I holding myself back?
  3. Am I allowing others to hold me back? Question 2&3 are all on you. You are in control either way. Do You See it?
  4. Why do I feel stuck?
  5. Am I really stuck?
  6. What can I do to gut unstuck? You are already doing it! Your asking the right questions and it is up to you to give the honest answers.
  7. Do you feel obligated to stay out of guilt? You owe no one anything and they don't owe you even if you feel like they do.
  8. Do I want to be here at this place in my life 5 years from?
  9. What dreams and goals have I had yet to accomplish? It is never to late. Time is an illusion.
Time to start believing and doing. Remember, You can create the reality you want.

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