Wednesday, December 31, 2014


If you think that things are a coinky dink in this world...You thought wrong! So back to Rudy.
I saw him a couple weeks back in November and I pretended not to know him. Now y'all don't have the entire story about how him and I fell apart but because I am not too cool on giving full details with that just yet I will fast forward.

Now before I saw him this last time I had the craziest dream about him. We were having sex! Yes and good sex too. I was sitting on his face and he was eating it so good. I could feel it. Now the thing that freaked me out was when I looked down at him, his forehead had bridged and it was as if the tongue was like a serpents and was sucking life from me. Now get ready for it...

When I saw him he had snake bites! He did not have that last year! This dream came to me some time between February and April (I cant remember exactly when and I wasn't keeping a dream journal at this time)and I just saw him this November past. Like I said, no coincidence.

Have you ever had a prophetic dream that came to pass months later? Comment below. 


Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I love Evanescence!

Uneasy With You

So what if I get in my moods? So what if I am up and down? And please don't say it is because I am a female. So what?! Let us not change ourselves just to please others. I want people around me who will let me be myself and will accommodate me and my moods. I have done all kinds of flips and tricks for others to make them comfortable but once again and no surprise they are not willing to do the same for me. I don't care if you think I am crazy or bipolar! Bitch I am me so who you? Be a friend. As soon as I step out of your comfort zone you trip up. Ha! Well once you become comfortable with who you are and feel good in your skin you won't be so hell bent on trying to change me. 

Because I Am Me

Just Another Day

Here we are in December in Florida and it feels like it's summer time. Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want. HARRP and CERN are doing a number on us. Anyways, I am just sitting here listening to the rain, Jhene Aiko, and typing my little heart out. I am relaxing even though a day really does not go by where I get to have that peace and something does not shake me. There is a lot going on right now that I will discuss later on down the line but I really do hold up well. I thank god and I am ever so grateful for my grandmother (rest in POWER Rosa) who taught me how to stay grounded throughout chaos. 

The rest of this day will be what I make it. I need to go to wally world to get some fabric for the couches to reupholster. No one else cares but I do since this is my temporary home. I care for a warm loving environment. I care that when our guest comes over the furniture looks nice. My environment is a reflection of me so with a house of six only one really cares. I knew moving back in with my mom would be a bad idea but it was something that had to be done. I am happy I did it but this has run its course. I am over cleaning after grown ass people. Just about two more months of dealing with this before I get into my own little sanctuary. Whew! Lesson have come from this experience and I am so thankful to have had to hit the bottom because when I make my way back up to the top I will have more of an appreciation for what I have and even jobs with difficult people. 

I am ready for my new life. I started planning for 2015 back in October. How many of you can say that? If you can then I applaud you. If not, what the hell are you waiting for? Remember, life has a way of directing you to where you need to be. When you let life happen to you instead of taking life by the horns you tend to go through some very painful and often time unnecessary experiences, Why not avoid that? Scroll down and take the questionnaire and get your life moving in the direction you want it to go. Take it from someone who knows, you do not want to let life happen to you, You always have a choice.



So one day a long time ago I was just sitting on the bus (yes I said the bus) minding my own business and this guy in front of me turns around and starts telling me all about this book by author Robert Green titled 'the art of seduction' and for the longest it has been on my mind. Don't know why it never left. Maybe because when the young man (look at me acting all old and what not) had so much enthusiasm when talking about the book. I can't wait! Next year I am thinking about a third job for a couple months just to get my book shelf filled with those good reads that I have been dying for. Maybe some of you who have had the chance to read it already can point me to your youtube reviews or you can maybe even comment below. I will definitely be doing a a review once I have read it from cover to cover.


Monday, December 29, 2014


What the fuck is a struggle? Most importantly, why is it that we as black people are programmed to believe that from the womb we are made to struggle? Our mothers and fathers were not struggling to do anything in that moment of our immaculate conception but struggling to get a nut. Why? Why black people do we believe this? We are Kings and Queens! In my honest opinion I don't care what race you are, no one should have to struggle. I will struggle no more. I will move mountains and tremble the waters before I allow myself to move out of one struggle and into another. It took me a while to realize that I dealt blow after blow and never gave myself time to heal. Well brothers and sisters if that just resonated with you then it is time for us to heal. No one will stop this healing. It needs to be done. It will and it must be done! Let us heal. Let 2015 be the year we tend to our wounds. Let it air out. Pour on the peroxide. Place the bandage over it and give it a week before we repeat and you will see how over time it will heal. Eat your fruits and drink your water because remember you are what you eat. Before you eat that apple, hold it in the palm of your hands and say a prayer and then when you have eaten the meat of the apple you will give thanks to mother earth and give back by planting those seeds. Plant seeds of greatness in your life! Just lie you spoke to and gave thanks before ingesting that apple, before you go out into the #warzone a.k.a The World, you need to do the same. Don't let society and Maury tell you who you are as my people. We are greatness. They know it and that is why they try to feed us poison by way of media trying to tell us who we are and even they know how great we are but the sad part is WE HAVE YET TO REALIZE OUR GREATNESS! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Remember who you are.

I Create And I Can Destroy


Another technique of Mind Power is that of affirmations. Affirmations are statements that you say either out loud or quietly to yourself. You affirm to yourself whatever it is you want to happen. For example, if you have an important interview coming up, you could affirm to yourself, “A great interview,” and you would repeat this statement over and over again for several minutes. Or, let’s say you’re recovering from a leg injury, you could repeatedly say to yourself, “I have strong and healthy legs.” - See more at: 

Why do affirmations work? They work because whatever you verbally repeat to yourself will influence your thoughts. Say to yourself, “A great interview,” and you will automatically begin thinking about your upcoming interview as “a great interview.” Repeat to yourself, “ I have strong and healthy legs,” and your mind will begin imagining strong and healthy legs. And what you focus your mind on, you attract, so begin focusing on whatever it is you want. - See more at: 

Now let me give you three simple rules to remember when using affirmations  

1.  Always affirm in the positive. Make your affirmation a positive statement. Avoid asking yourself, “What happens if it’s a terrible interview?” or saying to yourself, “I’m so nervous.” These statements focus on what you don’t want to occur. If you want to be confident, use that word in your affirmation. If you want to be dynamic, use that word. Use the words that reflect what you want to happen. Be specific.
2.  Make your affirmation short and simple. Use a phrase or at maximum one sentence. Your affirmation should be like a mantra that you can repeat over and over again without even thinking about it. Don’t ramble on.
3. Don’t force yourself to believe it, just say it. All you have to do is repeat it over and over again and the affirmation will quite naturally have an effect. After all, you don’t force yourself to believe that the medication your doctor has given you will work. You just take the prescribed dosage and assume it will. So too with affirmations; just repeating the statement many times will cause it to work for you.

Affirmations are simple, easy to use and very powerful. Many professional athletes use them to perform well on the field. Successful business people use them to close deals and run their businesses. Artists use them to be creative and come up with innovative ideas. You can use them too, in any area of your life. Now repeat after me, “I am successful, confident and achieve my goals. I am successful, confident and achieve my goals. I am successful, confident and achieve my goals.”
Get the idea?

>>>John Kehoe<<<<

Can You See What I see?

Even through all the turmoil, I can still see. Do you see what I see? I see a better life. A life where I am fully in control. Then again, even when you feel fragmented you really are whole because remember things are not always what the seem. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and look at and beyond the physical. Sit down with  that piece of paper and take note. Answer the Questions as follows:

  1. Am I where I want to be in my life?
  2. Am I holding myself back?
  3. Am I allowing others to hold me back? Question 2&3 are all on you. You are in control either way. Do You See it?
  4. Why do I feel stuck?
  5. Am I really stuck?
  6. What can I do to gut unstuck? You are already doing it! Your asking the right questions and it is up to you to give the honest answers.
  7. Do you feel obligated to stay out of guilt? You owe no one anything and they don't owe you even if you feel like they do.
  8. Do I want to be here at this place in my life 5 years from?
  9. What dreams and goals have I had yet to accomplish? It is never to late. Time is an illusion.
Time to start believing and doing. Remember, You can create the reality you want.

The Transition

Just because they are family it doesn't mean anything. I have dealt with these people for long enough and I am done. You would think we were strangers! I have reached the point of no return on my care meter. It is unfortunate but it is something I must do for myself. My peace of mind. The journey is quickly approaching it's ending. I am sad that I have to let go of those of whom I love but they don't act like they love me. Besides it is just time to move on. They don't want better for their lives and to hang around low vibration beings like this, I will either end up taking on that which is around me or push through and become successful but struggling because everyone wants to be one tidy. Sucking from my fountain of youth leaving me looking like an old hag. I won't age prematurely because of these life suckers. I will be sad and cry my eyes out but o well. I need to enjoy life and if I stay here any longer I feel my life will be cu short so out with the old and in with the new.


I give everyone in this house the respect that they deserve (big or little) and they just want to walk all over me. Why? I am tired. I am so sick and tired! Just two more god forsaken months. I will get through it. I am determined. I just keep getting hit with all of this bad energy from people in and out of my house. It is one hing to have to deal with the outsiders but to have to come home and get hit with the bad energy as well, I can't do it. There is only so far the car can go even if you do fill it up all the way. Somewhere along the way you have to stop and fill up. Where can I refill? *singing Elle Varner* Can I get a refill?      ♫  Can I get a re-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e- fill? REALLY CAN I? But it is all good. I am not worried because the creator keeps me grounded so I will fall back a little in my own life and watch how it all plays out for them because as for me and my well being I am determined to see to it that I am okay even if no one else cares. Goodmorning America.


I finally figured out how to fix my time zone. Thank you lord! Just wanted to share. O.k. Bye.


Here we are going into a new day and instead of being in the bed I am siting here typing this. And does anyone now how to change the time on blogger? So frustrating! Bumping 'Bound' in the speakers. I do need some rest but maybe if I deprive myself of sleep for a couple days along with fasting I can get some clarity. Insomnia....ugh! I am doing some research for some work that needs to be done this week. I just made a new blog and on that one,which I will provide the link to later, is about my spiritual practice. I am very spiritual and I would like to share a few tips and tricks with those of you who are interested in them. I will not lie and pretend as if I have been on this path for forever. No. It has been almost two years  since I had something happen that put me back on my path. Nothing is a coinky dink in this world. So I would like to share what I have learned so far. I am also in the process of throwing out some beliefs that no longer work for me anymore so....Yeah. Come and visit Miss.Blu sometime. Just did the preview and the time read 9:59 and here it is 2:00 A.M. on 12/29. Someone please help me figure this out! Now I am listening to the late great Phyllis Hyman. I hate living all alone too Phyllis. Isn't it funny how you can be in a room full of people and still feel so alone? I need to clean this house and wash clothes tomorrow. If I don't do it then who will? Rhetorical. O.K so I am out of here. More than likely I will still be up listening to my throwbacks and taking notes for my upcoming 21 day project. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit and 21 days to break a habit so let's  see if that is true.

Love. Light. Goodnight.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

John Kehoe-Harness The Power Of Your Mind

You Deserve The Best So Don't Settle

Harness The Power Of Your Mind!

The Law Of Attraction


What you focus on, you attract. The reason this is true is simple. Even though we are not consciously aware of it, we live in an immense quantum sea of vibrating energy that is ever responsive to how and what we think. Our thoughts are forever trying to express themselves in our lives. Our thoughts are creative forces, and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we can begin designing our lives with clarity and purpose.

How can we use this reality in our lives? Again the answer is simple. Focus daily on what you want. And here is where Mind Power techniques can come to your assistance. The Mind Power system consists of easily learned techniques that help you focus and direct your thoughts. The first technique I want to teach you is visualization.

Visualization is simply mental rehearsal. You create images in your mind of your having or doing whatever it is you want. You repeat these images over and over again. I suggest to my students that they practice this technique for five minutes each day. In your five-minute practice, you use your imagination to see yourself being successful, closing the deal, having the relationship, healing the illness—whatever the goal is that you wish to manifest. The key to remember when visualizing is to always visualize that you already have the thing you want. This is a mental trick. You don’t hope you’ll achieve it, or build confidence that some day it will happen. No, with the visualization technique you “live and feel it” as if it is happening to you now. Now on one level you know this is just a mental trick, but here is an important truth to understand. The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. Your subconscious will act upon the images you create within, regardless of whether those images reflect your current reality or not.

Does it work? Ask Arnold Schwarzenegger. “It’s all in the mind,” says Arnold, who is five-time winner of the Mr. Universe title, a successful real estate tycoon, movie star, and now governor of California. Arnold has it made, but it wasn’t always so. Arnold can remember when he had nothing except a belief that his mind was the key to getting where he wanted to go.

“The mind is really so incredible. Before I won my first Mr. Universe title, I walked around the tournament like I owned it. I had won it so many times in my mind, the title was already mine. Then when I moved on to the movies I used the same technique. I visualized daily being a successful actor and earning big money.”

What worked for Arnold will work for you. I know this because I have taught this system to millions of people worldwide and have seen the results. It’s not magic and it doesn’t happen overnight, but if you persist in your vision, you will achieve it.  What you focus on, you attract.

                                                                     -John Kehoe

Here's To The Future

I wake up with the intentions of having a good day and being of service to others but then I am plagued with thoughts of yesterdays' yesterday. I have tried affirmations but not being consistent does not help. I have tried the magical method that I came up with of burning a long strand of hemp or black yarn while reciting words to rid myself of the negative thinking. Sad to say after burning myself (trial and error) the first time I did it only one other time after that. What do you have to feel so guilty about? You may ask. Well, let's just say life is not going my way. As much as I try for others I still get ass to kiss. Regret! I think about being alone a lot and how much time I've wasted on losers. Regret! I think about how many years I have wasted dreaming instead of doing. Regret! So you see I have a lot of regret built up inside of me. I know with age comes wisdom and today I asked God to help me to accept that there are things I just can't change (past) and to give me the strength (mind), understanding, and overstanding to move forward into a better tomorrow. I am tired of people hurting me and abusing my good nature. This is the making of a bitter person but I refuse. I will become the woman I see when I close my eyes. I will be ready when the time comes to assume that position in the life of the person (be it man or woman)who deserves me. Until then, I will be here to vent. 

It's Alive!


You were the one. 
The one that made me think twice. 
The one who revived me and once again gave me a life.
You were the one. 
The one who made me put the blade down.
The one who made me put back on my crown.
The one who made me want to settle down.
I thought it was over.
I thought I was through with love but then the most high came through with his love and what he stood for and showed me a new kind of love.
Love stricken and now I am sick for days because just as fast as you came I found a way to push you away.
Old McDonald to the Howard Vernon the feel good times just kept on rollin.
So use to the lames that I didn't now how to act. 
Now I know the difference between a real man and a little boy.
Now I know what I will not settle for.
I don't have to.
Not anymore.

Anybody Need Love?

If anyone knows what it is like to be lonely, I do. It seems as if for the longest I have been giving myself to those who really don't deserve it. Why do I settle? You must be feeling the same way if you have landed on my page so tell me if this sounds familiar.  I had friends who would have men, one after the other, who they would play with (sometimes 3 in one night) and these guys of course not knowing about one another, they would spoil them by giving them whatever they wanted. These guys would actually want to build something with them but they (my friends) were not interested in love and the whole bit. They just wanted some cash and to bust a nut fast. So here I am looking like the hater (let you all tell it from the way I just worded this) but really I am sitting here trying to analyze this shit. Here I am the good girl who actually wants the long worn out and seen through American dream but the guys who seem to want the same fall for the whores. Yes they were my friends but I have to call it what it is. If it looks like a duck and quacks like one, is one. I know some of you can relate to what I am saying. I always want the best for people so I never wished anything but the best for them. However, it did upset me to see these men (black at that) become damaged goods because of the games my then friends played on them. That is the making of heartless bitter black man. It is unfortunate but true. Also, for anyone who thinks I am trying to make this about race I really am not but to know the state of emergency my people are in and how people are so quick to portray us in a negative light versus our white counterparts in the media where they are in love and doing well, I just have to bring it up and let it be known that it is not always the mothers fault but some of these heartless women who just don't give a damn! They play on the wallet and heartstrings of these men which turns them cold leaving women like myself to ponder. The answer to the why? is seen in the above.

*To Be Continued*

New Day

Today is a new day. Whenever I am blessed with the ability to wake up and see a new day I try to remind myself to be grateful because somebody else may not have gotten the opportunity to. Someone may not have had the strength to stay and decided it was time to go or maybe the creator felt this person had done what they needed and now it is time to move on. Either way, I have dreams and goals that I want to accomplished and I hope to see come to pass in this lifetime. However, While currently under the same roof as my mother I sometimes just want to run and hide. I keep thinking to myself just two more months and I am on my way to freedom and being able to get it together mentally, emotionally, and physically because I have just been falling apart in this war zone. Amazing how the same people who claim to want nothing but the best for you are the ones who are doing all the planning behind the scenes with your enemies. I wonder what will come of these people when I leave. Will they just wallow in their own misery? Seems more than likely. I have been the punching bag for too long and the tomfoolery is coming to an end. When the enemy knows you see him but you don't SEE him, he will fight harder than ever to bring you down. So I tell myself get ready for your come up baby. Get ready. I say this to myself and imagine my grandmother there. 

Who Am I?

Who Am I? Do You Really Wanna Know? Well, When I figure It Out I Will l Let You Know.